The Integration

So 2019 came with lots of good vibes and motivation. One of the big motivation in my opinion was to get back to writing. It’s been really a while since I enjoyed writing as much as I am doing at the moment, and even though I know the reason behind this, I’d rather keep it for myself. This could also be the right time to give life back to my blog that I started 3 years ago when I was applying for a Cabin Crew job at Emirates. 

Another big motivation, or I’d prefer to call it “a destination” is to know more about the society that I chose to spend the rest of my life in it. That’s what integration is all about. 


In few days, I complete 7 months in The Netherlands 🇳🇱, and to be honest, not much those are the stuff that I’ve learned in this time. Why?Because at first I was amazed with the sunny summer days (the sunset was around 10:00 PM everyday 😅), later on I was too busy struggling with anxiety and sleepless nights, and of course not to forget the fun part and meeting new people at every stage. I don’t regret it though that I didn’t focus much on what I was supposed to learn, and I am quite proud of myself with what I’ve reached so far.

Let’s see: I learned the basic greetings in the Dutch language (goedemorgen, goedmiddag, goedenavond, doei, tot ziens, fijne dag, dankjewel, alstublief), how to introduce myself (Hallo. Ik ben Hussein. Ik kom uit Libanon), how to tell the time (het is vijf over tien), the numbers, how to tell someone that I don’t speak Dutch very well 😂 (ik spreek klein beetje nederlands), the word “gezellig” which is hard to translate to English because it’s typical Dutch, and some other words that I can’t remember..🙈
I also learned that:
– Dutch people have dinner at 06:00 PM (usually that’s my lunch time)
– They eat cheese everyday; and lots of onions
– Everyone has at least one bike (even if he/she doesn’t use it)
– They use candles a lot instead of electricity
– They are often smiling and loving.. oh, and honest as well
– They drink lots of tea (especially in Autumn and Winter)
– They get annoyed if you order “Mexican Beer” 🍻🤣
– They have coffee machines at their homes even if they don’t drink coffee
– “Coffeeshops” are actually places to buy weed (sometimes they don’t even have coffee 😜)
– Everyone knows how to swim
– They use the word “even kijken” everyday
Likewise, I managed to adapt in all what mentioned. “To adapt” which means get to know the culture, behaviors, manners, traditions..etc, respect them, try to do them, but at the same time never forget the background that you came from. That is what I call integration, or at least, that’s how I see myself integrating in a new society.
I have mentioned previously to lots of people that I fell in love with this country before coming here. And I really mean it; which in return is also driving me crazy to learn more, ask lots of questions (sometimes very silly ones like: where should I say “hou doe” and where should I avoid it? ) and eager to meet more and more people.
A step forward in this destination is reading (another motivation for 2019 also is to read more). And as I believe in Karma, an amazing Book I received as a gift, on new year’s eve, about the secrets of this outstanding, one of a kind community. “The Unduchables”. The name and the picture clearly explains the topic. And being excited to discover every single detail about this book, encouraged me to post about it with my expectations before starting to dig deeply into it.

Whether it is about biking, smoking marijuana, collecting flowers, or consuming Heineken beer, I have a long way to chase, and I am so excited to start a new year with a new book that will decorate my collection with its bright information.

Thank you Jurgen and Frank for the book. It really touched my heart, and for the amazing night we spent on New Year’s Eve with your loving friends. 
Thank you for everyone who reached this far by reading this post; You made it 😏🤗
Wishing everyone a Happy 2019 filled with blessings and relaxed moments. 💙
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#TheUnduchables #TheNetherlands #KeepOnRunning #HappyNewYear
